Wouldn't it be great if we could always go somewhere magical any time we wanted to to feel closer to attaining that feeling you expect to get from your yoga practice . . . closer to bliss. For me, I long to go back to India during those moments I feel I'm wanting to tap into that deep connection I had to yoga itself and my personal practice when I was in India for my teacher training.
Well it's not so simple given the realities of life to just hop on a plane and fly where you want unless of course you have a disposable income of monies! But it's so simple to come to your mat, close your eyes, maybe light some incense, start to breathe and visualize and tap into that feeling you wish to attain. It's often said that the mind is a POWERFUL thing . . . it is! If you visualize it, you can experience it.
If you come to your mat day in and out, and feel sometimes like a piece is missing . . . visualize that connection and it will be there. Your mat can be such a magical place to start and end your day! It's whatever experience you want it to be . . . it's your place to be . . . well, you. Namaste
~ Genevieve